About The Project

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I have over 25 years of experience working in this field producing high quality, innovative, robust artworks that have stood the test of time. I understand and embrace the involvement of community groups and individuals in the development of creative ideas and the design processes of artworks to produce pieces that are sympathetic to their environments while giving the audience, participants and the local community a real sense of ownership.

Saturday, 5 January 2013

Meet The Team

18th September 2012: Introductory meeting.

 This project will need a strong team to enable it to happen, therefore in the first instance we need to create good group dynamics, trust and respect.  The group need to get to know one another; they also need to get to know myself and Sara.  They need to understand more about us as artists and business people and about the creative process and creative problem solving that they can apply to their careers.

Using my skills as an experienced and qualified expedition leader I have devised a whole programme of creative outdoor activities, challenging walks and creative workshops to develop and build a strong and cohesive team.   

 The meeting went well with 21 apprentices volunteering to work on the project; these young men are aged between 18-21 years old and work in different areas of Sheffield Forgemasters, as a consequence some do know each other but most have never met.  
It is hoped that all will be future employees of the company and are training as:
Researchers & Designers
Mechanical Maintenance/Engineers
Mould/Core Makers
Pattern Makers

This gave me an opportunity to introduce myself and Sara and present the project.  None of the apprentices knew the extent of the project and none had seen the prototype sculpture so there was a few looks of surprise and trepidation (and raised eyebrows) but mostly there were looks of enthusiasm and motivation.

All are briefed  and ready to roll......

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